Salon Becomes the Place for Rabid Quacks Infected with TDS

A bunch of establishment quacks, suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), have launched an online petition as part of their political propaganda campaign against Trump. And the rabid leftist propaganda site Salon calls them “experts.”

Salon’s propaganda piece was featured on Democrat Party-Deep State’s political affiliate Yahoo under the tell-tale title “Experts are desperate to warn the public”: Hundreds sign Dr. John Gartner’s Trump dementia petition. Estimated best as an extended lie that wastes too much virtual space for littering the anti-Trump lies, this effort to deflect attention from Biden’s cognitive disaster and mental health crisis takes aim at President Trump. It cites a bunch of quacks and/or professtitutes that the post calls “brave, determined, and stalwart group of psychologists and other mental health professionals” who have unprofessionally, unethically, and quite stupidly declared Trump as mentally ill and want him to drop his presidential bid for 2024.

Obviously the deep state is too worried as it is not having any real success with its legal witch-hunt of Trump in its various politically aligned courts to stop him from reclaiming what was stolen from him in 2020 via a massively rigged and openly stolen election. The quacks have even launched a petition on urging other “licensed professionals” to sign it. The petition is equally ridiculous, if not more, as Salon’s propaganda piece.

Traditionally, a salon means “a periodic gathering of people of social or intellectual distinction” or a place for such a gathering. But after this story of the political activism of unwell quacks, who need medical attention and training in civilized behavior, Salon (with a capital S) could very well be known as a place where rabid animals gather to howl and ask for their next rabies shot.

Verdict: Salon was laughable to begin with. By posting this piece, it has made a notable leap in the leftist propaganda hierarchy to claim the top position for best visibility to the deep state which is beyond desperate to take down the man they can’t own or subdue.

Skepticle Score: Infinitely High

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